Canine Snake Avoidance training

Snake Avoidance for dogs!

Keeping your valued pet safe from venomous snakes!

For centuries venomous snakes have killed people's valued pet dogs.
Countless ways to deal with the problem have been devised.
This has included the basic principle of keeping dogs away from snakes, killing snakes, snake proof fencing and so on.
Training dogs to avoid snakes has never been easy as dogs naturally go for them and attack them.
That is when the dogs get bitten.
To get dogs to avoid snakes, so-called snake aversion training was developed.
The most effective method appeared to be putting an e-collar or shock collar on a dog and zapping the dog as they came close to the snake.
However, for obvious reasons only non-venomous snakes could be used.
Because different types of snakes smell different to one another, the training never seemed to work.
Put simply a dog trained to avoid a non-venomous snake such as a python, never actually avoided the venomous ones, like Tiger Snakes, Brown Snakes or Taipans.
In 2003 in a world first, the Snake Man, Raymond Hoser became the first person in history to successfully surgicaly devenomize the world's deadliest snakes.
Raymond Hoser Australia's best snake catcher, surgically devenomized dozens of deadly snakes by way of internal excision through the roof of the mouth.
He then teamed up with the best dog trainers in Australia at the Victorian Dog Training Academy to develop world first Snake Avoidance, for dogs being the training of canines to be averse to snakes and to run from them.
The training works based both on sight and smell, which is exactly how dogs operate in the real world.
A properly trained dog will avoid venomous snakes both on sight and on smell.
This includes when the dog owner is not around!
This is also important as most dogs are bitten by venomous snakes when the owner is not at home.
Typically the dog owner is at work, a snake comes into the back yard, the dog attacks the venomous snake and then the snake bites back. The dog owner returns home some hours later to find both dead snake and dead dog in their yard.

Dog Snake Avoidance lessons

Canine Snake Avoidance has been used in recent decades to save thousands of dogs lives.
To protect clients and their pets, Raymond Hoser registered the trademarks SNAKE AVOIDANCE and SNAKE AVERSION for all forms of dog training, education, etc.
Unfortunately, as anticipated one or more thieves have set up counterfeit snake avoidance businesses, typically trading online with Google business pages, websites, Facebook pages and so on.
Some of these slick looking counterfeit canine snake avoidance webpages even claim to own Hoser's trademarks.
Hoser has taken the rogues to court many times and got orders against them, but they always ignore them and plead bankruptcy to avoid paying damages.
As a warning, none of the counterfeit snake avoidance, canine snake avoidance or similar works.
Only Raymond Hoser, Australia's best known snake catcher, based in Melbourne, Victoria and the Victorian Dog Training Academy have the expertise to have vet certified, surgically devenomized snakes which are essential to the Snake Avoidance training.
Without training dogs to avoid the exact species of snake you want them to avoid, with the exact species and devenomized of course so your dog does not die when being trained, nothing else will work.
Do not give cash to scammers.

Dog Snake Avoidance

To learn more about SNAKE AVOIDANCE, visit the official website for SNAKE AVOIDANCE.
A dog trained to avoid venomous snakes is a way better alternative to losing your valuable pet to a painful venomous snake bite.

snake handling course training

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snake avoidance training for dogs